Microsoft Powers Dynamics 365 with AI

By Neeraj Maurya / October 31, 2018

Microsoft has launched a set of AI features for Dynamics 365 Customer Services software in a bid to compete with the market leader Salesforce. The new Dynamics 365 AI features are a clear competition to Salesforce that has its own AI features for its services. Both the applications deliver out-of-the-box insights by unifying the data…

October 26, 2023
Microsoft Powers Dynamics 365 with AI

Microsoft has launched a set of AI features for Dynamics 365 Customer Services software in a bid to compete with the market leader Salesforce. The new Dynamics 365 AI features are a clear competition to Salesforce that has its own AI features for its services. Both the applications deliver out-of-the-box insights by unifying the data…

How To Identify & Implement the Best CRM

By Anil Semwal / April 19, 2018

Dilemma can engulf you when you are surrounded by too many options, but you need to react quickly and decide how to tackle such situations. Similarly, you may feel overwhelmed when looking at all the choices that are available for CRM software. In order to make the most of your investment, it is critical you…

October 20, 2023
How To Identify & Implement the Best CRM

Dilemma can engulf you when you are surrounded by too many options, but you need to react quickly and decide how to tackle such situations. Similarly, you may feel overwhelmed when looking at all the choices that are available for CRM software. In order to make the most of your investment, it is critical you…

4P Strategy to Successful Salesforce lightning experience migration

By Nitin Dangwal / March 22, 2018

If you are reading this article, you are probably already planning to migrate your Salesforce instance to Lightning Experience or considering it. Either way, this article should help identify appropriate activities and help provide a checklist of things to expect and plan for. 1. PREPARE (a). Run Salesforce assessment tools Lightning Experience Migration Assistant: Lightning…

October 20, 2023
4P Strategy to Successful Salesforce lightning experience migration

If you are reading this article, you are probably already planning to migrate your Salesforce instance to Lightning Experience or considering it. Either way, this article should help identify appropriate activities and help provide a checklist of things to expect and plan for. 1. PREPARE (a). Run Salesforce assessment tools Lightning Experience Migration Assistant: Lightning…

Top 10 Benefits of Using Microsoft Dynamics 365

By Abhishek Singh / February 13, 2018

What are the Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365? Dynamics 365 is the only cloud-based solution that offers all that is needed for CRM and ERP, in one place. It is the only process that unifies the theme in all the CRM apps, which helps in implementing a more streamlined sales process, integrating marketing, field services,…

March 15, 2022
Top 10 Benefits of Using Microsoft Dynamics 365

What are the Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365? Dynamics 365 is the only cloud-based solution that offers all that is needed for CRM and ERP, in one place. It is the only process that unifies the theme in all the CRM apps, which helps in implementing a more streamlined sales process, integrating marketing, field services,…

A brief look at Salesforce’s Einstein vision for social studio

By Nitin Dangwal / September 21, 2017

There was a time when social media was purely limited to text. However, as time passed on, social media evolved into a medium that was more dependent on visuals than just plain old text. There’s nothing surprising about that. After all, that’s what technological tools do – they evolve to offer better capabilities. When images…

January 8, 2024
A brief look at Salesforce’s Einstein vision for social studio

There was a time when social media was purely limited to text. However, as time passed on, social media evolved into a medium that was more dependent on visuals than just plain old text. There’s nothing surprising about that. After all, that’s what technological tools do – they evolve to offer better capabilities. When images…

The Evolution of Sales Management – 4 Key Stages

By Neeraj Maurya / August 30, 2017

When it comes to sales management, you’re likely to come across two kinds of managers. The first one notices when the markets are declining and decides to focus on that over everything else. In this scenario, the only result you can possibly expect is a decline in sales as well. The second type of manager…

March 3, 2022
The Evolution of Sales Management – 4 Key Stages

When it comes to sales management, you’re likely to come across two kinds of managers. The first one notices when the markets are declining and decides to focus on that over everything else. In this scenario, the only result you can possibly expect is a decline in sales as well. The second type of manager…

IOT and its benefits in businesses

By Neeraj Maurya / July 27, 2017

What is IOT IOT or Internet of Things is the way of interconnecting physical devices, smart devices and other embedded devices which includes sensor, electronic circuit, software with some network that allows exchange of data between the two. In a nutshell a thing can be represented as any physical entity having some sensors or electronic…

April 28, 2020
IOT and its benefits in businesses

What is IOT IOT or Internet of Things is the way of interconnecting physical devices, smart devices and other embedded devices which includes sensor, electronic circuit, software with some network that allows exchange of data between the two. In a nutshell a thing can be represented as any physical entity having some sensors or electronic…

The Need for CRM in the Hotel Industry

By Abhishek Singh / June 28, 2017

Hotel’s need for a proper CRM is as important as CRM’s need in any customer-driven industry. Here we look into why that is. It is well-known customer satisfaction plays an extremely important role in any business. It is the customer’s feedback about a product or service that determines its success and translates into profit for…

October 4, 2021
The Need for CRM in the Hotel Industry

Hotel’s need for a proper CRM is as important as CRM’s need in any customer-driven industry. Here we look into why that is. It is well-known customer satisfaction plays an extremely important role in any business. It is the customer’s feedback about a product or service that determines its success and translates into profit for…

IOT and CRM will drive your customer service to the future

By Neeraj Maurya / March 16, 2017

“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”. Bill Gates  The term, “IOT” stands for Internet of things. The thin demarcation between living and non-living things is overcome with IOT. It provides data about non-living things with the help of motion sensors RFID tags and QR Codes etc. Internet of…

October 21, 2020
IOT and CRM will drive your customer service to the future

“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”. Bill Gates  The term, “IOT” stands for Internet of things. The thin demarcation between living and non-living things is overcome with IOT. It provides data about non-living things with the help of motion sensors RFID tags and QR Codes etc. Internet of…

Boost Lead Engagement with Microsoft Social CRM

By Manjul Chauhan / February 7, 2017

The high-end information highway we know as the internet opened new avenues to digitally connect with customers. Microsoft social engagement is a robust and effective method to connect with customer data in a rapid way and form engaging connections with the customer. While the feature Microsoft Social Engagement has been discontinued, Dynamics 365 has replaced…

October 18, 2023
Boost Lead Engagement with Microsoft Social CRM

The high-end information highway we know as the internet opened new avenues to digitally connect with customers. Microsoft social engagement is a robust and effective method to connect with customer data in a rapid way and form engaging connections with the customer. While the feature Microsoft Social Engagement has been discontinued, Dynamics 365 has replaced…