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We are Microsoft Gold partner with its presence across the United States and India. We are a dynamic and professional IT services provider that serves enterprises and startups, helping them meet the challenges of the global economy. We offer services in the area of CRM Consultation and implementation, Application development, Mobile application development, Web development & Offshore Development.

Business Central leaflink integration

Business Central Integration with LeafLink Cannabis CRM

By Abhishek Singh / November 26, 2021

December 12, 2023
Business Central Integration with LeafLink Cannabis CRM

About Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 

Dynamics 365 Business Central is a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) that allows different processes of your business to work in tandem with automated tasks and workflows for increased efficiency. 

As a leading expert on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Cynoteck provides an array of Dynamics 365 Consulting Services to small, medium, and large businesses. We provide a range of ERP and CRM consulting services that are geared toward the optimization of your business operations and the transformation of your applications. 

Cynoteck helps you in the careful selection and implementation of various Dynamics 365 features, to suit your organization's unique challenges. 

About Leaflink Cannabis 

LeafLink is a unified B2B cannabis platform that empowers cannabis brands by providing a channel for inbound orders and automating order management workflows, helping them to focus on upselling existing clients and closing new business.

This LeafLink’s unified platform has transformed the way cannabis brands, retailers, and distributors manage their operations, empowering them to simplify communication, optimize ordering, and spend limited time on administrative work. LeafLink is the largest network of licensed cannabis businesses. 

Optimizing operations for Brands: 

  • E-commerce Marketplace 
  • Order Management 
  • CRM 
  • Reporting Tools 

Watch the Video Tutorial of Dynamics 365 Business Central and LeafLink integration -

Also, read: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central User Manual

Getting Started with the Integration 

Business Central can be utilized for manufacturing, purchasing, inventory management, and other additional order management. This Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration is hosted by Cynoteck

The Business Central integration with Leaflink Cannabis can save you and your team time by eliminating the need to enter products, consumers, and orders in Business Central and Leaflink. With this integration, LeafLink can be utilized for order creation and CRM updates.  

Business Central integration with Leaflink Cannabis is installed in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central by Cynoteck and needs access to a user account with "super" permissions. The seller needs to generate an API token for a current LeafLink user by following the steps here.

Next, reach out to the Cynoteck team and provide them with the API key. 

D365 Business Central integration with LeafLink
D365 Business Central integration with LeafLink

1. Sales Order: Sales order Import from LeafLink to Business Central

Sales Order from LL are automatically imported into BC based on a pre-defined cut-off date when the Business decides to go live with the integration, the scheduler is run on an optimum time interval as agreed by the Business owners and identifies the new SO to be imported. 

Field records of Sales Orders header data that are imported: 

Number, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) Out of the box/default 

Sales Order Header Data 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB (Out of the box/default) fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
number LeafLink OrderId Custom 
id Sell to Customer OOTB  
display_name Customer Name OOTB 
shipping_charge Shipping Charges  Custom 
status LeafLink order Status Custom 
notes LeafLink Notes Custom 
delivery_preferences LeafLink Delivery Preference Custom 
modified LeafLink order modified date Custom 
created_on LeafLink order created date Custom 

Sales Order Line Data

Field records of Sales Orders line data that are imported: 

Order, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
order LeafLink OrderId Custom 
id LeafLink order line id Custom 
product LeafLink Product Id Custom 
quantity LeafLink Qty. OOTB 
name LeafLink Product Name OOTB 
sku LeafLink Product SKU Custom 
unit_of_measure LeafLink Product Unit of Measure OOTB 
ordered_unit_price LeafLink Product ordered unit price OOTB 
sale_price LeafLink Product Sales price OOTB 

Also, read: Payment Tolerance – Business Central user manual

2. Customers and Products involved in Sales Orders 

The Customer and Products involved in the Sales Orders are also imported with a check if they do not exist in Business Central, if they already exist then there is no need to import them with SO (Sales Order) and we just relate the SO with existing Customers or Products. 

Generally, the Customers and Products are already imported into Business Central as master records from the LeafLink or any other system that the Business is using prior to Business Central.  

Products from LeafLink have a Unique identifier “SKU” and Customers have a unique identifier as “Customer ID” that determines the mapping between both systems and ensures NO duplicate records for Customers or products are imported into Business Central. 

Field records of Customers that are imported: 

Id and LeafLink Customer id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Customer Id Custom 
name Customer Name OOTB 
License Number LeafLink Customer License Custom 
Website Website OOTB 
Address Address OOTB 
Zipcode Zipcode OOTB 
city City OOTB 
state State OOTB 
currency Currency OOTB 
county County OOTB 
phone Phone OOTB 
email E-mail OOTB 
status LeafLink Customer Status Custom 
archived LeafLink Customer Archive Custom 
country Country OOTB 
modified LeafLink Customer Modified Custom 
manager Sales Person OOTB 

Field records of Products that are imported: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Product Id Custom 
name Description OOTB 
Sku LeafLink Product SKU Custom 
unit_of_measure Unit of measure OOTB 
last_edit LeafLink product last edit Custom 

Also, read: How to Setup Intercompany Transactions in Business Central – The Ultimate Guide

3. Bi-directional update of Sales Orders and Products 

When product details are updated in Business Central then the information is automatically pushed into LeafLink for the same Product based on SKU, finally, the product at LeafLink is also updated 

Similarly, when a Sales Order details are updated in Business Central then the information is automatically pushed into LeafLink for the same Sales Order, and it is updated in LeafLink as well. 

In Business Central we have also provided an option for the user to pull the updated Sales Orders and Products from LeafLink into Business Central, thus user when hits the buttons then all the updated products and the Sales orders are populated which he/she can update into BC as well. 

Field records of Products that are updated: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Product Id Custom 
name Description OOTB 
Amount Unit Price OOTB 
Quantity Inventory OOTB 

Sales Order Header Data 

Field records of Sales Orders header data that are updated: 

Number, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
Status Status Custom 

Sales Order Line Data

Order, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

Field records of Sales order line data that are updated: 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
quantity LeafLink Qty. OOTB 
ordered_unit_price LeafLink Product ordered unit price OOTB 

Also, read: Business Central Integration with QuickBooks and D365 Sales module

4. Creating LeafLink Products from Business Central 

LeafLink Products can be created in Business Central. 

So, a product can be created in Business Central once and it is created in LeafLink automatically by the integration, there is no need to create the same product in both the systems to maintain the product list. 

Field records of Products to be created in Business central: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifiers between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields  
Item No.  
Display Name 
Sale Price 
Wholesale Price 
Unit multiplier 
Unit of measure 
Unit of measure Name 
Minimum Order 
Inventory Management 

Some of the above fields are populated from Business Central fields, while others are provided on the page for the user to fill. There are many other fields available at API that the Business Owner decides whom to skip and whom to use. 

Also, read: 4 Easy Steps to initiate Refund in Business Central

5. Creating Live products from LeafLink into Business Central

The Business can choose a cut-off date thus after that date if any product is created in LeafLink it shall be automatically created in Business Central as Business Central runs a scheduled job queue which checks for new products at LeafLink, fetches them, and create them in Business Central. 

Field records of LeafLink Products that are created in Business Central: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Product Id Custom 
name Description OOTB 
Sku LeafLink Product SKU Custom 
unit_of_measure Unit of measure OOTB 
last_edit LeafLink product last edit Custom 

Note: The Business should choose one option from options 4 and 5 above to maintain the integrity of the system ensuring the product creation is either done at LeafLink or Business Central. 

6. Inventory Synching from Business Central into LeafLink 

The solution is capable to update the inventory/stock from Business Central into LeafLink. 

The Business Central user can do it mainly via 3 ways: 

  1. User can update products details from Business Central along with quantity 
  1. User can do the change in inventory for the item via Item Journal in Business Central, the inventory level for the respective product is updated automatically at LeafLink as well 
  1. if any sales and purchase activity is done for an item its quantity gets updated at LL as well. 

7. Payment information flow

Now, after the payment is received and marked as paid against the LeafLink order in Business Central, the information for that order gets automatically pushed into LeafLink. 

The appropriate order is marked as paid with the amount in LeafLink automatically.

Also, read: New and planned features of Dynamics 365 Business Central

What data flows does this integration support?

  1. Products (Business Central to LeafLink) 

    When Product details are updated in Business Central, the updated information is automatically pushed to LeafLink for the same Product based on the unique identifier, the SKU. Now, this updated data appears in LeafLink. 

  2. Products (LeafLink to Business Central) 

    Within Business Central, there is an option for the user to pull the updated Products from Leaflink into Business Central upon the user clicking a button to trigger it. All Products will be updated accordingly. 

  3. Orders (Business Central to LeafLink) 

    When an Orders details are updated in Business Central, the updated information is automatically pushed to LeafLink for that Order. Now, this updated data appears in LeafLink. 

  4. Orders (LeafLink to Business Central) 

    Within Business Central, there is an option for the user to pull the updated Orders from Leaflink into Business Central upon the user clicking a button to trigger it. All Orders will be updated accordingly. 

  5. Customers (Leaf Link to Business Central) 

    Exports all customers from LeafLink to Business Central and matches based on LeafLink's internal customer ID. If the customer is not found in Business Central, then the customer will be created. 


Now automate your operations and reimage your journey by simplifying your processes with Business Central and Leaflink Cannabis integration. You can now focus on managing your business more efficiently, avoiding double entry, and automating workflows by Business Central integration with LeafLink.

You will be able to provide transparent transitions, quick turnaround times, and the greatest level of customer service. Now, elevate your shipments with this integration and evolve your platform. Now, leverage the power of this integration to streamline ordering and client management, because your #1 responsibility is to delight your customers. 

Also, read: PowerApps integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online

Frequently asked questions: 

1) When does the integration run? 

It will run automatically from BC to LeafLink, however, needs to be triggered from LeafLink to BC within the Business Central system. 

2) What are the benefits of Business Central and Leaflink Cannabis integration? 

Mentioned below are the benefits of Business Central and Leaflink Cannabis integration: 
> Saves valuable time. 
> Reduces overselling. 
> Removes error-prone and eliminates the timely process of double-entry. 
> Up-to-date information with robust reporting capabilities. 

3) What is LeafLink capable of? 

LeafLink is a comprehensive unified B2B cannabis platform, offering licensed cannabis businesses a set of tools to manage their business more efficiently, market or order from their preferred brands, while promoting development and growth. 

[sc name="Dynamics 365 Business Central"] [add_newsletter] [add_related_page_diff_contents blog_cat = "ms-dynamics-business-central"]

About Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 

Dynamics 365 Business Central is a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) that allows different processes of your business to work in tandem with automated tasks and workflows for increased efficiency. 

As a leading expert on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Cynoteck provides an array of Dynamics 365 Consulting Services to small, medium, and large businesses. We provide a range of ERP and CRM consulting services that are geared toward the optimization of your business operations and the transformation of your applications. 

Cynoteck helps you in the careful selection and implementation of various Dynamics 365 features, to suit your organization’s unique challenges. 

About Leaflink Cannabis 

LeafLink is a unified B2B cannabis platform that empowers cannabis brands by providing a channel for inbound orders and automating order management workflows, helping them to focus on upselling existing clients and closing new business.

This LeafLink’s unified platform has transformed the way cannabis brands, retailers, and distributors manage their operations, empowering them to simplify communication, optimize ordering, and spend limited time on administrative work. LeafLink is the largest network of licensed cannabis businesses. 

Optimizing operations for Brands: 

  • E-commerce Marketplace 
  • Order Management 
  • CRM 
  • Reporting Tools 

Watch the Video Tutorial of Dynamics 365 Business Central and LeafLink integration

Also, read: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central User Manual

Getting Started with the Integration 

Business Central can be utilized for manufacturing, purchasing, inventory management, and other additional order management. This Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration is hosted by Cynoteck

The Business Central integration with Leaflink Cannabis can save you and your team time by eliminating the need to enter products, consumers, and orders in Business Central and Leaflink. With this integration, LeafLink can be utilized for order creation and CRM updates.  

Business Central integration with Leaflink Cannabis is installed in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central by Cynoteck and needs access to a user account with “super” permissions. The seller needs to generate an API token for a current LeafLink user by following the steps here.

Next, reach out to the Cynoteck team and provide them with the API key. 

D365 Business Central integration with LeafLink
D365 Business Central integration with LeafLink
Copy Infographic

1. Sales Order: Sales order Import from LeafLink to Business Central

Sales Order from LL are automatically imported into BC based on a pre-defined cut-off date when the Business decides to go live with the integration, the scheduler is run on an optimum time interval as agreed by the Business owners and identifies the new SO to be imported. 

Field records of Sales Orders header data that are imported: 

Number, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) Out of the box/default 

Sales Order Header Data 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB (Out of the box/default) fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
number LeafLink OrderId Custom 
id Sell to Customer OOTB  
display_name Customer Name OOTB 
shipping_charge Shipping Charges  Custom 
status LeafLink order Status Custom 
notes LeafLink Notes Custom 
delivery_preferences LeafLink Delivery Preference Custom 
modified LeafLink order modified date Custom 
created_on LeafLink order created date Custom 

Sales Order Line Data

Field records of Sales Orders line data that are imported: 

Order, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
order LeafLink OrderId Custom 
id LeafLink order line id Custom 
product LeafLink Product Id Custom 
quantity LeafLink Qty. OOTB 
name LeafLink Product Name OOTB 
sku LeafLink Product SKU Custom 
unit_of_measure LeafLink Product Unit of Measure OOTB 
ordered_unit_price LeafLink Product ordered unit price OOTB 
sale_price LeafLink Product Sales price OOTB 

Also, read: Payment Tolerance – Business Central user manual

2. Customers and Products involved in Sales Orders 

The Customer and Products involved in the Sales Orders are also imported with a check if they do not exist in Business Central, if they already exist then there is no need to import them with SO (Sales Order) and we just relate the SO with existing Customers or Products. 

Generally, the Customers and Products are already imported into Business Central as master records from the LeafLink or any other system that the Business is using prior to Business Central.  

Products from LeafLink have a Unique identifier “SKU” and Customers have a unique identifier as “Customer ID” that determines the mapping between both systems and ensures NO duplicate records for Customers or products are imported into Business Central. 

Field records of Customers that are imported: 

Id and LeafLink Customer id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Customer Id Custom 
name Customer Name OOTB 
License Number LeafLink Customer License Custom 
Website Website OOTB 
Address Address OOTB 
Zipcode Zipcode OOTB 
city City OOTB 
state State OOTB 
currency Currency OOTB 
county County OOTB 
phone Phone OOTB 
email E-mail OOTB 
status LeafLink Customer Status Custom 
archived LeafLink Customer Archive Custom 
country Country OOTB 
modified LeafLink Customer Modified Custom 
manager Sales Person OOTB 

Field records of Products that are imported: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Product Id Custom 
name Description OOTB 
Sku LeafLink Product SKU Custom 
unit_of_measure Unit of measure OOTB 
last_edit LeafLink product last edit Custom 

Also, read: How to Setup Intercompany Transactions in Business Central – The Ultimate Guide

3. Bi-directional update of Sales Orders and Products 

When product details are updated in Business Central then the information is automatically pushed into LeafLink for the same Product based on SKU, finally, the product at LeafLink is also updated 

Similarly, when a Sales Order details are updated in Business Central then the information is automatically pushed into LeafLink for the same Sales Order, and it is updated in LeafLink as well. 

In Business Central we have also provided an option for the user to pull the updated Sales Orders and Products from LeafLink into Business Central, thus user when hits the buttons then all the updated products and the Sales orders are populated which he/she can update into BC as well. 

Field records of Products that are updated: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Product Id Custom 
name Description OOTB 
Amount Unit Price OOTB 
Quantity Inventory OOTB 

Sales Order Header Data 

Field records of Sales Orders header data that are updated: 

Number, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
Status Status Custom 

Sales Order Line Data

Order, LeafLink OrderId (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

Field records of Sales order line data that are updated: 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields  
quantity LeafLink Qty. OOTB 
ordered_unit_price LeafLink Product ordered unit price OOTB 

Also, read: Business Central Integration with QuickBooks and D365 Sales module

4. Creating LeafLink Products from Business Central 

LeafLink Products can be created in Business Central. 

So, a product can be created in Business Central once and it is created in LeafLink automatically by the integration, there is no need to create the same product in both the systems to maintain the product list. 

Field records of Products to be created in Business central: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifiers between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields  
Item No.  
Display Name 
Sale Price 
Wholesale Price 
Unit multiplier 
Unit of measure 
Unit of measure Name 
Minimum Order 
Inventory Management 

Some of the above fields are populated from Business Central fields, while others are provided on the page for the user to fill. There are many other fields available at API that the Business Owner decides whom to skip and whom to use. 

Also, read: 4 Easy Steps to initiate Refund in Business Central

5. Creating Live products from LeafLink into Business Central

The Business can choose a cut-off date thus after that date if any product is created in LeafLink it shall be automatically created in Business Central as Business Central runs a scheduled job queue which checks for new products at LeafLink, fetches them, and create them in Business Central. 

Field records of LeafLink Products that are created in Business Central: 

Id, LeafLink Product Id (Unique identifier between both the systems) 

LeafLink Fields Business Central Fields OOTB fields (Available in BC) /Custom fields 
id LeafLink Product Id Custom 
name Description OOTB 
Sku LeafLink Product SKU Custom 
unit_of_measure Unit of measure OOTB 
last_edit LeafLink product last edit Custom 

Note: The Business should choose one option from options 4 and 5 above to maintain the integrity of the system ensuring the product creation is either done at LeafLink or Business Central. 

6. Inventory Synching from Business Central into LeafLink 

The solution is capable to update the inventory/stock from Business Central into LeafLink. 

The Business Central user can do it mainly via 3 ways: 

  1. User can update products details from Business Central along with quantity 
  1. User can do the change in inventory for the item via Item Journal in Business Central, the inventory level for the respective product is updated automatically at LeafLink as well 
  1. if any sales and purchase activity is done for an item its quantity gets updated at LL as well. 

7. Payment information flow

Now, after the payment is received and marked as paid against the LeafLink order in Business Central, the information for that order gets automatically pushed into LeafLink. 

The appropriate order is marked as paid with the amount in LeafLink automatically.

Also, read: New and planned features of Dynamics 365 Business Central

What data flows does this integration support?

  1. Products (Business Central to LeafLink) 

    When Product details are updated in Business Central, the updated information is automatically pushed to LeafLink for the same Product based on the unique identifier, the SKU. Now, this updated data appears in LeafLink. 

  2. Products (LeafLink to Business Central) 

    Within Business Central, there is an option for the user to pull the updated Products from Leaflink into Business Central upon the user clicking a button to trigger it. All Products will be updated accordingly. 

  3. Orders (Business Central to LeafLink) 

    When an Orders details are updated in Business Central, the updated information is automatically pushed to LeafLink for that Order. Now, this updated data appears in LeafLink. 

  4. Orders (LeafLink to Business Central) 

    Within Business Central, there is an option for the user to pull the updated Orders from Leaflink into Business Central upon the user clicking a button to trigger it. All Orders will be updated accordingly. 

  5. Customers (Leaf Link to Business Central) 

    Exports all customers from LeafLink to Business Central and matches based on LeafLink’s internal customer ID. If the customer is not found in Business Central, then the customer will be created. 


Now automate your operations and reimage your journey by simplifying your processes with Business Central and Leaflink Cannabis integration. You can now focus on managing your business more efficiently, avoiding double entry, and automating workflows by Business Central integration with LeafLink.

You will be able to provide transparent transitions, quick turnaround times, and the greatest level of customer service. Now, elevate your shipments with this integration and evolve your platform. Now, leverage the power of this integration to streamline ordering and client management, because your #1 responsibility is to delight your customers. 

Also, read: PowerApps integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online

Frequently asked questions: 

1) When does the integration run? 

It will run automatically from BC to LeafLink, however, needs to be triggered from LeafLink to BC within the Business Central system. 

2) What are the benefits of Business Central and Leaflink Cannabis integration? 

Mentioned below are the benefits of Business Central and Leaflink Cannabis integration: 
> Saves valuable time. 
> Reduces overselling. 
> Removes error-prone and eliminates the timely process of double-entry. 
> Up-to-date information with robust reporting capabilities. 

3) What is LeafLink capable of? 

LeafLink is a comprehensive unified B2B cannabis platform, offering licensed cannabis businesses a set of tools to manage their business more efficiently, market or order from their preferred brands, while promoting development and growth. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is an all-in-one ERP business management solution that helps you connect your financials, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes. Connect our team if you are interested in implementing Dynamics 366 business central in your business.

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