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Salesforce Kanban View

Ways How Salesforce Kanban View can help your Workflows

By Nitin Dangwal / February 27, 2023

February 27, 2023
Ways How Salesforce Kanban View can help your Workflows

Salesforce is a cloud-based platform for managing client relationships. Businesses of all sizes use Salesforce to manage their sales, marketing, and customer data smoothly. And one of Salesforce's core features is the Kanban view. Salesforce Kanban view is a good and useful tool that allows users of Salesforce Lightning to view records with different statuses in a consolidated manner. It enables users to access the recorded details quickly and easily. Additionally, the Kanban view enables users to instantly act on records from the view itself.     

Sales teams have access to a high-level picture of the complete sales funnel with the help of Kanban view Salesforce, which makes it simple for them to view, update, and progress chances through their stages, count deals, and work together to keep prospects moving ahead.

When used properly, Kanban can significantly improve the pipeline management effectiveness of your team by fostering cooperation, establishing accountability, and maintaining higher levels of communication between teams and supervisors. You can build a Salesforce Kanban board in a variety of ways.     

Let us now discuss the Kanban methodology in more detail and how you can implement it in your Salesforce Lightning platform.       

What is a Salesforce Kanban View?    

Let us first understand what a Kanban board is. A Kanban board is a visual tool that helps in the tracking and management of work in enterprises. It can be tailored to meet the demands of every business and is a versatile and effective solution to manage workflows.

And Salesforce Lightning's Kanban view is a wonderful and useful feature for seeing records with different statuses simply and quickly. It enables users to access the recorded details quickly and easily. Users can quickly act on the records from the Kanban view with this assistance.     

A Kanban board can be used to manage any projects that can be divided into smaller tasks. With a Kanban view, you can detect bottlenecks and other areas that need attention by turning a list of tasks and procedures into a clear visual depiction of workflow and project status.

Also, it works as an ideal tool for controlling stand-up meetings and for keeping track of the progress of each work. Furthermore, using the straightforward Chatter tool within your Kanban board makes it simple to collaborate with other team members.     

Also, read: Salesforce Task Management to help Operations – Best Tips

Components of a Kanban Board    

Teams can easily visualize and manage their operations using Kanban boards by using Cards, Columns, Swimlanes, and WIP Limits. Let us go over the primary components in more detail:     

  1. Kanban Cards: This is how tasks are represented visually. Each independent activity or idea has its card. These signals, which include project task items and their specifics, could take the form of tickets, sticky notes, etc.     
  1. Kanban Columns: Here, columns—another distinctive feature of a Kanban board—are used. The board's columns stand in for different stages of your workflow. The cards are moved through the processing up until they are completed.     
  1. Work-in-Progress Limits: The maximum number of cards that can fit in a single column at once is referred to as the WIP limit. By helping your team in concentrating solely on ongoing projects, limiting WIP enables you to complete work items more quickly.     
  1. Commitment Point: An item of work is prepared to be pulled into the system at the time when a commitment is made. A backlog of items is typically present on the Kanban boards of teams.     
  1. Delivery Point: The stage of the process at which work items are considered as complete. You can utilize these horizontal lanes to divide different tasks, groups, service classes, and more.     
  1. Kanban Swimlanes: You can use these horizontal lanes to divide different tasks, groups, service classes, and more.     

Also, read: Using Salesforce with the Subscription Revenue Model

Set Up a Salesforce Kanban View 

  • Almost any object can be viewed in the Kanban view from a list view. However, the Kanban does not work with "recent" views - which is the first page displayed for any object.  
  • Make sure that you have switched to the Salesforce Lightning Experience before enabling the Kanban view on Salesforce.  
  • Keep in mind that Salesforce classic does not support the Salesforce Kanban view.  
  • All editions, including basics, group, professionals, enterprise, performance, unlimited, and developers, have access to the Kanban view capability.  
  • Give the app the necessary user permissions as well, such as the ability to create list views, modify or delete public list views, and change Kanban settings.  

Upon the completion of these requirements, you can configure Salesforce Kanban in the following ways:  

  • Click on the object type you want to use to configure the Salesforce Kanban view. We make use of the "Opportunities" object in this example.  
  • Any other object type, such as accounts, leads, contacts, etc., follows the same procedure. Take note that some things, such as tasks, cannot be viewed in the Kanban style.  
  • The Salesforce list view for "Recently Viewed Opportunities" will appear when you first log in.  
  • To choose the perspective on which to base your Kanban board, select one object from the drop-down menu next to it.  
  • To go from the Salesforce list view to the Kanban view, find the grid icon in the top right corner.  
  • The Kanban view with cards will automatically appear on the screen.     

Also, read: How to create Salesforce Dashboards that take your Operations to the next level?

How to Create a Kanban Board in Salesforce 


  • To set up a Salesforce Kanban board, first, navigate to the Settings page for Salesforce and choose List View options. By choosing Choose Fields in the List View controls, choose the fields you want to be shown.  
  • By moving a field to the list of visible fields, you can make it visible so that it appears on the card. At the top of the card are the four viewable fields.  
  • You can click on the field once you have added it to track your project's development.  
  • To start, you can provide a task to a certain team member and record their name and task status on the card.  
  • The fields can be used to monitor project progress and milestones.  
  • You can arrange your projects and keep track of your tasks with the Kanban boards in Salesforce.  

Also, Read: Using Salesforce Pipeline Reports to Track Your Sales Performance

Core Practices of Salesforce Kanban View      

  1. Make the workflow visible: Use the different components of the board to arrange the work understandably.     
  1. Minimize ongoing projects: You can visually see how much work you are taking on by creating task cards, which helps you sidestep adding too much at once.     
  1. Workflows Management: Depending on their availability and competence, certain team members do different tasks.     
  1. Implement clear guidelines: Provide precise standards for how work should be carried out so that everyone on the team is aware of how the process moves from one phase to the next.     
  1. Make room for feedback: Provide time for feedback and knowledge-sharing sessions. There is always a chance that one team member will spot a problem or offer a fix that another team member may have overlooked.      
  1. Constantly look for methods to get better: Team members can spot inefficiencies in the procedure or offer suggestions for how to make it better. To keep things going well, listen to them and adjust accordingly.     

“Some Quick Takeaways    

  • With the help of Salesforce's Kanban View feature, sales teams can collaborate more effectively and have a high-level perspective of the entire pipeline.  
  • Salesforce Lightning's Kanban View is simple to enable and comes with customization features, allowing it to be adjusted to the unique requirements of the sales team.  
  • Today's software development teams frequently employ the Kanban Technique to maintain agility and improve workflow.  

Also, read: Strategies To Improve Salesforce Lead Conversion Rates

How can the Salesforce Kanban view improve your business's workflows?     

Organizations have been using the Salesforce Kanban framework for process control as software for decades. You need Salesforce Kanban if you have ever wondered how to figure out what projects you have planned, how many resources you will need, how many hours you have put into a task, or how well your team is handling its workload.

No matter your industry or the kind of projects your teams work on, implementing Kanban workflows in Salesforce can boost productivity and efficiency in different ways.     

Here are the ways how Salesforce Kanban can streamline your projects and help you stay within your budget and timelines:     

Salesforce Kanban View

1) Rearranging Priorities      

Managers and decision-makers can adopt significant priority adjustments at any moment without having to personally re-task teams or stop their existing activity since Kanban restricts the scope of immediate tasks and directs other teams to those tasks first.   

2) Easily Understandable Visuals  

One central virtual board includes all your project tasks when you use a Salesforce Kanban board to obtain a visual breakdown of your projects. As a result, you can more easily keep track of tasks, identifying priority projects, owners, and other information.     

3) Cut Down on Cycle Times     

In Kanban, teams that have completed their tasks are more readily accessible to share the workload and alleviate bottlenecks the longer a single card task drags on.

The Kanban approach focuses on skill sets when unexpected delays occur, ensuring that task cycle times represent the aggregate skill of all your teams. Projects can call for dividing skill sets among various teams for immediate work.     

4) Improved Efficiency     

One major benefit of the Kanban view is that it enables you to establish and monitor restrictions on the work that is currently being done, preventing resource over- or under-scheduling. This translates to happier employees and satisfied customers.     

5) Easily Usable      

Salesforce Kanban Board can be used easily, it is that simple like writing a sticky note and sticking it to a board. You do not need to spend time on training because it is meant to be intuitive.     

6) Continuous Delivery     

Teams consistently gain a competitive and creative edge because of continuous delivery. Salesforce Kanban workflows are best suited to continuous delivery since they emphasize quick cycles and less work in progress.

Value is delivered to the market more quickly using the just-in-time delivery principle than with conventional methods.      

7) Flexibility     

You can adjust the cards and board in Kanban to fit your project. Because of its versatility, Kanban can be used for any industry or process type.     

Also, read: Common Salesforce Integration Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Salesforce Kanban View Limitations:    

  • The Salesforce Kanban view can display a maximum of 200 cards.  
  • Mass actions are not permitted in the Salesforce Kanban View.  
  • Four fields are displayed at most on Kanban cards. Examples include Account Name, Opportunity Name, Stage, and Amount.  
  • The object must contain a picklist field to generate a Kanban view.  
  • Records cannot be grouped using the currency fields.  


Even experienced Salesforce administrators encounter difficulties due to inadequate internal communication and misaligned objectives. So, Salesforce Kanban boards are an excellent resource for breaking down large, complex projects into smaller, easier-to-manage activities. Road maps for products could be created using these Salesforce boards.

When the team uses them as project management tools to synchronize the operations of several moving pieces, you can see the full potential of these. With our expertise in Salesforce administration, Cynoteck can also help businesses to get back on track and achieve their full potential. Get in touch with us and get the results you expect from your business. All the best!      

Also, read: Improving Salesforce User Adoption: Strategies & Best Practices

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

1) What is a Kanban Board and what are its top 2 benefits?  

The Salesforce Kanban board is a workflow visualization tool that can help you make your work process more transparent and increase productivity by minimizing the quantity of work in progress.
Flexibility and a decrease in lost time or wasted effort are just two of the multiple benefits of using the Salesforce Kanban approach to arrange your work.  

2) What is Salesforce Kanban used for?  

To track, control, and reduce workflow and waste, Salesforce Kanban is utilized as a work management system. A Salesforce Kanban board improves efficiency by limiting work-in-progress and helping in the visualization of tasks (or flow). It can help agile and DevOps teams create daily schedules.  

3) What are the six core practices and four guiding principles of the Kanban Method?

The six pillars of Kanban are: visualizing the workflow; managing flow; limiting work in progress; making process policies explicit; implementing feedback loops; and improving collaboratively.  
And the four guiding principles of Kanban emphasize flow, continuous improvement, work-in-progress limitation, and workflow visualization.  

4) Which industries are Kanban used in?  

Work items are represented by cards on Salesforce Kanban boards, while process phases are denoted by columns. To show progress and help teams coordinate during the exercise, cards are moved from left to right. Although it has origins in the auto manufacturing sector, Salesforce Kanban has become quite popular in the software and IT sectors. And Kanban is now applicable across a wide range of industries. 

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Salesforce is a cloud-based platform for managing client relationships. Businesses of all sizes use Salesforce to manage their sales, marketing, and customer data smoothly. And one of Salesforce’s core features is the Kanban view. Salesforce Kanban view is a good and useful tool that allows users of Salesforce Lightning to view records with different statuses in a consolidated manner. It enables users to access the recorded details quickly and easily. Additionally, the Kanban view enables users to instantly act on records from the view itself.     

Sales teams have access to a high-level picture of the complete sales funnel with the help of Kanban view Salesforce, which makes it simple for them to view, update, and progress chances through their stages, count deals, and work together to keep prospects moving ahead.

When used properly, Kanban can significantly improve the pipeline management effectiveness of your team by fostering cooperation, establishing accountability, and maintaining higher levels of communication between teams and supervisors. You can build a Salesforce Kanban board in a variety of ways.     

Let us now discuss the Kanban methodology in more detail and how you can implement it in your Salesforce Lightning platform.       

What is a Salesforce Kanban View?    

Let us first understand what a Kanban board is. A Kanban board is a visual tool that helps in the tracking and management of work in enterprises. It can be tailored to meet the demands of every business and is a versatile and effective solution to manage workflows.

And Salesforce Lightning’s Kanban view is a wonderful and useful feature for seeing records with different statuses simply and quickly. It enables users to access the recorded details quickly and easily. Users can quickly act on the records from the Kanban view with this assistance.     

A Kanban board can be used to manage any projects that can be divided into smaller tasks. With a Kanban view, you can detect bottlenecks and other areas that need attention by turning a list of tasks and procedures into a clear visual depiction of workflow and project status.

Also, it works as an ideal tool for controlling stand-up meetings and for keeping track of the progress of each work. Furthermore, using the straightforward Chatter tool within your Kanban board makes it simple to collaborate with other team members.     

Also, read: Salesforce Task Management to help Operations – Best Tips

Components of a Kanban Board    

Teams can easily visualize and manage their operations using Kanban boards by using Cards, Columns, Swimlanes, and WIP Limits. Let us go over the primary components in more detail:     

  1. Kanban Cards: This is how tasks are represented visually. Each independent activity or idea has its card. These signals, which include project task items and their specifics, could take the form of tickets, sticky notes, etc.     
  1. Kanban Columns: Here, columns—another distinctive feature of a Kanban board—are used. The board’s columns stand in for different stages of your workflow. The cards are moved through the processing up until they are completed.     
  1. Work-in-Progress Limits: The maximum number of cards that can fit in a single column at once is referred to as the WIP limit. By helping your team in concentrating solely on ongoing projects, limiting WIP enables you to complete work items more quickly.     
  1. Commitment Point: An item of work is prepared to be pulled into the system at the time when a commitment is made. A backlog of items is typically present on the Kanban boards of teams.     
  1. Delivery Point: The stage of the process at which work items are considered as complete. You can utilize these horizontal lanes to divide different tasks, groups, service classes, and more.     
  1. Kanban Swimlanes: You can use these horizontal lanes to divide different tasks, groups, service classes, and more.     

Also, read: Using Salesforce with the Subscription Revenue Model

Set Up a Salesforce Kanban View 

  • Almost any object can be viewed in the Kanban view from a list view. However, the Kanban does not work with “recent” views – which is the first page displayed for any object.  
  • Make sure that you have switched to the Salesforce Lightning Experience before enabling the Kanban view on Salesforce.  
  • Keep in mind that Salesforce classic does not support the Salesforce Kanban view.  
  • All editions, including basics, group, professionals, enterprise, performance, unlimited, and developers, have access to the Kanban view capability.  
  • Give the app the necessary user permissions as well, such as the ability to create list views, modify or delete public list views, and change Kanban settings.  

Upon the completion of these requirements, you can configure Salesforce Kanban in the following ways:  

  • Click on the object type you want to use to configure the Salesforce Kanban view. We make use of the “Opportunities” object in this example.  
  • Any other object type, such as accounts, leads, contacts, etc., follows the same procedure. Take note that some things, such as tasks, cannot be viewed in the Kanban style.  
  • The Salesforce list view for “Recently Viewed Opportunities” will appear when you first log in.  
  • To choose the perspective on which to base your Kanban board, select one object from the drop-down menu next to it.  
  • To go from the Salesforce list view to the Kanban view, find the grid icon in the top right corner.  
  • The Kanban view with cards will automatically appear on the screen.     

Also, read: How to create Salesforce Dashboards that take your Operations to the next level?

How to Create a Kanban Board in Salesforce 


  • To set up a Salesforce Kanban board, first, navigate to the Settings page for Salesforce and choose List View options. By choosing Choose Fields in the List View controls, choose the fields you want to be shown.  
  • By moving a field to the list of visible fields, you can make it visible so that it appears on the card. At the top of the card are the four viewable fields.  
  • You can click on the field once you have added it to track your project’s development.  
  • To start, you can provide a task to a certain team member and record their name and task status on the card.  
  • The fields can be used to monitor project progress and milestones.  
  • You can arrange your projects and keep track of your tasks with the Kanban boards in Salesforce.  

Also, Read: Using Salesforce Pipeline Reports to Track Your Sales Performance

Core Practices of Salesforce Kanban View      

  1. Make the workflow visible: Use the different components of the board to arrange the work understandably.     
  1. Minimize ongoing projects: You can visually see how much work you are taking on by creating task cards, which helps you sidestep adding too much at once.     
  1. Workflows Management: Depending on their availability and competence, certain team members do different tasks.     
  1. Implement clear guidelines: Provide precise standards for how work should be carried out so that everyone on the team is aware of how the process moves from one phase to the next.     
  1. Make room for feedback: Provide time for feedback and knowledge-sharing sessions. There is always a chance that one team member will spot a problem or offer a fix that another team member may have overlooked.      
  1. Constantly look for methods to get better: Team members can spot inefficiencies in the procedure or offer suggestions for how to make it better. To keep things going well, listen to them and adjust accordingly.     

“Some Quick Takeaways    

  • With the help of Salesforce’s Kanban View feature, sales teams can collaborate more effectively and have a high-level perspective of the entire pipeline.  
  • Salesforce Lightning’s Kanban View is simple to enable and comes with customization features, allowing it to be adjusted to the unique requirements of the sales team.  
  • Today’s software development teams frequently employ the Kanban Technique to maintain agility and improve workflow.  

Also, read: Strategies To Improve Salesforce Lead Conversion Rates

How can the Salesforce Kanban view improve your business’s workflows?     

Organizations have been using the Salesforce Kanban framework for process control as software for decades. You need Salesforce Kanban if you have ever wondered how to figure out what projects you have planned, how many resources you will need, how many hours you have put into a task, or how well your team is handling its workload.

No matter your industry or the kind of projects your teams work on, implementing Kanban workflows in Salesforce can boost productivity and efficiency in different ways.     

Here are the ways how Salesforce Kanban can streamline your projects and help you stay within your budget and timelines:     

Salesforce Kanban View
Copy Infographic

1) Rearranging Priorities      

Managers and decision-makers can adopt significant priority adjustments at any moment without having to personally re-task teams or stop their existing activity since Kanban restricts the scope of immediate tasks and directs other teams to those tasks first.   

2) Easily Understandable Visuals  

One central virtual board includes all your project tasks when you use a Salesforce Kanban board to obtain a visual breakdown of your projects. As a result, you can more easily keep track of tasks, identifying priority projects, owners, and other information.     

3) Cut Down on Cycle Times     

In Kanban, teams that have completed their tasks are more readily accessible to share the workload and alleviate bottlenecks the longer a single card task drags on.

The Kanban approach focuses on skill sets when unexpected delays occur, ensuring that task cycle times represent the aggregate skill of all your teams. Projects can call for dividing skill sets among various teams for immediate work.     

4) Improved Efficiency     

One major benefit of the Kanban view is that it enables you to establish and monitor restrictions on the work that is currently being done, preventing resource over- or under-scheduling. This translates to happier employees and satisfied customers.     

5) Easily Usable      

Salesforce Kanban Board can be used easily, it is that simple like writing a sticky note and sticking it to a board. You do not need to spend time on training because it is meant to be intuitive.     

6) Continuous Delivery     

Teams consistently gain a competitive and creative edge because of continuous delivery. Salesforce Kanban workflows are best suited to continuous delivery since they emphasize quick cycles and less work in progress.

Value is delivered to the market more quickly using the just-in-time delivery principle than with conventional methods.      

7) Flexibility     

You can adjust the cards and board in Kanban to fit your project. Because of its versatility, Kanban can be used for any industry or process type.     

Also, read: Common Salesforce Integration Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Salesforce Kanban View Limitations:    

  • The Salesforce Kanban view can display a maximum of 200 cards.  
  • Mass actions are not permitted in the Salesforce Kanban View.  
  • Four fields are displayed at most on Kanban cards. Examples include Account Name, Opportunity Name, Stage, and Amount.  
  • The object must contain a picklist field to generate a Kanban view.  
  • Records cannot be grouped using the currency fields.  


Even experienced Salesforce administrators encounter difficulties due to inadequate internal communication and misaligned objectives. So, Salesforce Kanban boards are an excellent resource for breaking down large, complex projects into smaller, easier-to-manage activities. Road maps for products could be created using these Salesforce boards.

When the team uses them as project management tools to synchronize the operations of several moving pieces, you can see the full potential of these. With our expertise in Salesforce administration, Cynoteck can also help businesses to get back on track and achieve their full potential. Get in touch with us and get the results you expect from your business. All the best!      

Also, read: Improving Salesforce User Adoption: Strategies & Best Practices

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

1) What is a Kanban Board and what are its top 2 benefits?  

The Salesforce Kanban board is a workflow visualization tool that can help you make your work process more transparent and increase productivity by minimizing the quantity of work in progress.
Flexibility and a decrease in lost time or wasted effort are just two of the multiple benefits of using the Salesforce Kanban approach to arrange your work.  

2) What is Salesforce Kanban used for?  

To track, control, and reduce workflow and waste, Salesforce Kanban is utilized as a work management system. A Salesforce Kanban board improves efficiency by limiting work-in-progress and helping in the visualization of tasks (or flow). It can help agile and DevOps teams create daily schedules.  

3) What are the six core practices and four guiding principles of the Kanban Method?

The six pillars of Kanban are: visualizing the workflow; managing flow; limiting work in progress; making process policies explicit; implementing feedback loops; and improving collaboratively.  
And the four guiding principles of Kanban emphasize flow, continuous improvement, work-in-progress limitation, and workflow visualization.  

4) Which industries are Kanban used in?  

Work items are represented by cards on Salesforce Kanban boards, while process phases are denoted by columns. To show progress and help teams coordinate during the exercise, cards are moved from left to right. Although it has origins in the auto manufacturing sector, Salesforce Kanban has become quite popular in the software and IT sectors. And Kanban is now applicable across a wide range of industries. 

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